360 g Yellow Label Tortiglioni n. 89
150 g cherry tomatoes
150 ml tomato purée
8 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
1 garlic clove
1 small onion
extra virgin olive oil
fresh basil
4 small burrata cheeses of 50 g each or 200 g of stracciatella cheese.
Chop the onion and remove the sprout from the garlic clove. In a large pan, brown the garlic and onion with a spoonful of oil. Add the cherry tomatoes cut into slices, salt and cook over a high flame for 5 minutes. Then add the tomato purée and cook everything for 8/10 more minutes.
In the meantime, cook the tortiglioni in plenty of salted water.
Strain the oil from the dried tomatoes and cut them into strips. Strain the pasta while it is still al dente and sauté it in the pan for a few minutes with the dressing, adding the dried tomatoes and basil.
Serve the pasta with three types of tomato on individual plates and complete the preparation by placing a burrata cheese in the centre of each portion and a few basil leaves.

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